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I'm a wedding photographer and I keep a secret folder of photos where someone blinked or made a weird face. It's my favorite collection and never fails to make me laugh after a stressful day.
I'm a video game developer, and I added my late dog as a background character in our latest game. Players keep posting about the 'cute dog NPC that follows you around the park level' not knowing it's my tribute to my best friend.
I'm a meteorologist, and sometimes when I know it's going to be a beautiful day, I slightly underpredict how nice it will be. People are always happier when the weather is better than expected.
As a software developer, I once fixed a major bug by accidentally spilling coffee on my keyboard and having to restart my computer. I got a bonus for 'quick problem solving' and never told anyone the truth.
I'm a professional chef and sometimes when I'm home alone, I still make instant ramen and enjoy it more than the fancy meals I cook at work.
I'm an artist, and whenever I get artist's block, I go to the local cafe and draw the people there. Nobody knows, but several customers have ended up as characters in my published graphic novel.
I work in IT, and I've created a script that makes it look like I'm typing really fast when I'm actually just pressing random keys. Clients think I'm some kind of tech wizard and trust my solutions more.
I'm a librarian and I've been secretly rearranging the 'recommended reads' section to include books that I think will help this one regular visitor who always seems sad. I've noticed they've been checking them out, and lately, they've started smiling more.
I'm a personal trainer, and I sometimes pretend certain exercises are new trending workouts when they're actually just basic moves with fancy names. It works better than telling clients these are the same exercises they've been avoiding.